I could see McCain's reasoning in taking the offensive in tonight's debate. He is not going to beat Obama at portraying a cool, collected candidate. He is behind in the polls and I think he was trying to chisel out a more solid niche for himself as the aggressive, no-nonsense, "give it to me straight" candidate. There is obviously a large percentage of Americans who respond to that "strong-man," unabashedly aggressive behavior as that is our overwhelming international stereotype. Personally, I I find it hard not to naturally reject the sort of arrogant, overly antagonistic behavior displayed by McCain in tonight's debate - that, of course, is not what is important however, the issues are what are most important (although our president's behavioral quirks have a lot to do with how the world ultimately views us - President Bush is an excellent case in point).
I originally had a long post here describing my view point on what I thought were some of the more pertinent issues but then I decided that I did not want this to be that kind of blog. I want to entice people to read my blog about music, movies, books, and me rather than turn them away with my political views.